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Wednesday Basketball League
Wednesday March 5th (7th of 7 Wednesdays)
Crew Chief Referee Time Location Home Team Visitor Team
  Address (Vancouver): 800 E 40th Street (do not enter gym till 7:01pm please)
BobbyBarber DamikoTidmore 7:10 PM Discovery Middle School East (50) vs
BobbyBarber DamikoTidmore 8:00 PM Discovery Middle School East (50) vs
BobbyBarber DamikoTidmore 8:55 PM Discovery Middle School East (50) Couv Indis vs
MikeRichards JacobAccardo 7:10 PM Discovery Middle School West (50) vs
MikeRichards JacobAccardo 8:00 PM Discovery Middle School West (50) vs
MikeRichards JacobAccardo 8:55 PM Discovery Middle School West (50) vs
Address (Portland): 6800 SE Division Street (stay in lobby till 9:01pm)
DavidEspinor KevinMcElroy 9:05 PM Warner Pacific College (48) vs
DavidEspinor KevinMcElroy 9:50 PM Warner Pacific College (50) vs
MarkNelson GymSetup 545pm Address (Portland): 205 NE 92nd Avenue (do not enter gym till 630 pm please)
MarkNelson Richards/Adzasu 6:00 PM Columbia Christian School (50)  Indy Line Movement vs
MarkNelson RosieAdzasu 6:50 PM Columbia Christian School (50)  Indy Kwame Brown vs
MarkNelson Rosie/Kashias 7:40 PM Columbia Christian School (50)  Masters PicktoPlay Team vs
MarkNelson KashiasLewis 8:35 PM Columbia Christian School (50)  vs
MarkNelson KashiasLewis 9:25 PM Columbia Christian School (50)  vs
RDoble Setup 7pm Address (NW Portland): 653 NW Culpepper Terrace (stay in lobby till 7:01pm)
RobertDoble TommyPham 7:05 PM Hillside Community Center (48) vs
RobertDoble TommyPham 7:55 PM Hillside Community Center (48) vs
RobertDoble TommyPham 8:45 PM Hillside Community Center (48) vs
    Location (SW Portland) 8825 SW Barnes Road
    park in only designated parking spots (mostly above tennis court)
Do not park in back of building (near busses)
KenVaughn MarshallGarcia 8:00 pm Catlin Gabel School (50) vs
KenVaughn MarshallGarcia 8:50 pm Catlin Gabel School (50) vs
Address (Tigard): 10330 SW Scholls Ferry Road (wait outside in car till 5:51pm)
GregRichardson RobertBartow 6:00 PM Muslim Education Trust (48) vs
GregRichardson RobertBartow 6:50 PM Muslim Education Trust (48) vs
Address (Beaverton): 9685 SW Harvest Court (wait in lobby till 8:01pm)
ScottLashley JordanBlack 8:05 PM Beaverton Hoop Ct #1 (50) vs
ScottLashley JordanBlack 8:55 PM Beaverton Hoop Ct #1 (50) vs
GeoffKane JeffreyLayton 8:05 PM Beaverton Hoop Ct #4 (50) vs
GeoffKane JeffreyLayton 8:55 PM Beaverton Hoop Ct #4 (50) vs
RichardBriggs Jeff Hadden 8:05 PM Beaverton Hoop Ct #5 (50) vs
RichardBriggs Jeff Hadden 8:55 PM Beaverton Hoop Ct #5 (50) vs Indy Backdoor Cover
JaylenRussell DanteaFrazier 8:05 PM Beaverton Hoop Ct #6 (50) Indy Joe Cronin vs
JaylenRussell DanteaFrazier 8:55 PM Beaverton Hoop Ct #6 (50) vs
Volleyball RobertBartow 8:05 PM Beaverton Hoop Ct #2 VOLLEYBALL VB 8:05pm- 10:15pm
Volleyball RobertBartow 8:55 PM Beaverton Hoop Ct #3 VOLLEYBALL VB 8:05pm- 10:15pm

JOTP Fall 1 2024 Champions  
Wednesday Fall 1 & 2 Champions
Fall 1 2024

Legal Guarding position (1 min)

Legal defensive position is that you are square (in front of) opponent prior to their final step of the move/shot. After the 'moment' of being in front and in 'legal guarding position'- you can be moving backward and/or jumping up and contact should be legal, as seen in this video; in fact, if you are in front and displaced, it can be a charge call.

Incidental contact (21 sec)

This play could have been a no-call as the contact seems very incidental ('incidental' meaning- the contact did not create an unfair advantage for the person being contacted). This video seems to show a defender flopping, not a defender displaced by contact and therefore this could just as easily be a 'no-call' from the referee as the contact was incidental.

Incidental contact (26sec) example 2

Defense gets to position prior to final step of offensive player- thus, the contact is going to be a no call or an offensive foul (offensive foul if the offensive player then displaces/dislodges the defender).

No Call - On a Shot (40 sec)

This is a no-call because the defense is there. Restated - contact is legal if the defense is there first.

No Call - On a Shot (1 min) example 2

This could be a no-call as the contact is not creating a disadvantage and trained referees know that a foul requires three things: 1) illegal position with 2) contact and 3) a disadvantage created and as the ball goes in pretty easily in this video, it kind of makes the argument that there was not really a disadvantage created.

Block/Charge? (36 sec)

Defense gets to position prior to final step of offensive player- thus, the contact is going to be a no call or an offensive foul (offensive foul if the offensive player then displaces/dislodges the defender).

Block/Charge? (1 min) example 2

This looks like a good call (a defensive foul). Plus if you think about it- a defender really should be 'defending'- not setting up for flops. A defender is a player trying to legally impede an offensive player from scoring- but the guy in the video is not trying to prevent scoring as much as he is trying to 'work the referees'.

Various Examples of Foul Calls (6 minutes)

PortlandBasketball.Com encourages players and referees to watch this video. There are 10 explanations of fouls vs 'no calls' vs charges in this training video.

Law of Verticality (1 minute)

If defender gets "in front of" an offensive player prior to that offensive player's final step of his move/shot, than that defender is entitled to (law of verticality) to the space behind him and 'to the ceiling'; in other words the defender can jump straight up (but- proof of jumping straight up- is that defender landed close to the same spot on floor when coming down). Important- for safety- to understand this concept of jumping straight up as opposed to jumping outward.

Law of Verticality (6 minutes) explanation

All players in PortlandBasketball.com, for safety reasons, need to watch this video explanation of the law of verticality and how it relates to safety- thank you.

2016 Verticality Rule

2016 Definition of a Foul &/or a No-Call