About Pick to Play LEAGUE GAMES (below is only relevant to league games)
About the different prices
Each thing listed above might be priced diferently, weeknight prime time league games are the most expensive.
Why was the Pick-to-Play program created by PortlandBasketball.com?
Pick to Play was created so that players who
only have themselves or one or two buddies - can still play
in our league games. Pick to Play was created -also- so that league players
(already on teams) going 1 time per week could jump in a 2nd run per week.
And Pick-to-Play was created because owner Mikal Duilio now has 4 children and he had to find odd pockets of time to play.
Many players due to work or family cannot be consistent-
with the same day per week so Pick-to-Play works great
for those players.
How does Pick to Play work? How do
I register- get signed up?
Find a time that works for you from the
above 7 days worth of options; submit your name in the game
slot - and show up ready to play. The lead referee will
provide uniforms, the lead referee is your team captain- and
that lead referee will substitute players in and out of the
game equally. BUT IF YOU ARE NEW TO THIS- your very first
time- you have to text 503-380-4539- saying you want
to register (I will text you back a 'one time' registration process); this text will exlain things perfectly.
How do you pay?
Payment is by credit card or debit card
only. You only pay for your first game; after that one time- all other games are 'automatically' charged to your credit card, or debit card (you do not have to go in and pay each time, all you do for your 2nd game forward is simply get your name entered on the game slot of your choice. As for that first time payment, that one-time payment- you will pay on the main page of the PortlandBasketball.com website where it says 'Make Payment'; then once you have your payment information submitted, we will text you saying that indeed- you are registered and now you can
sign up on your own for any game, any day you want
(restated: you do not have to submit payment each time,
rather, whatever you signed up for gets deducted from your
credit/debit card every game night). Your credit/debit card
numbers are secure as we use a service called Authorize.net.
Once you are committed to a game, you will be charged unless
you cancel with 4 hours (or more) of notice (text 503-389-4539 to cancel).
How to cancel and whether you still have to pay
Cancellation policy: Text cancellation to
503-380-4539 with 4-hours notice or more - we can pull your
name and not charge you. Anything 4-hours or less- we have
to charge. There are 5 reason for this including 1. our
profit is 16% meaning one player 2. You may end up stranding
the team with 5 players which is not good for the team, nor
the opponent... and 3. Our program is flexible 'as is' (if
your on a team you pay 70 and typically miss 2 games, with
PicktoPlay you only pay for games you want in so paying for
a game you cancel with 3 hours 59 minutes or less is
normal/better than league players get.)
Rule #1 for players-is about ball-hogging
A rule we have for players in terms of ball-hogging (which we do not see that often luckily)- is this one rule: you can dribble a lot OR you
can shoot a lot...but where we draw the line is this- you cannot do BOTH (restated- you are not allowed to be both the extreme dribbler AND
the extreme shooter). Restated yet one more time- with Pick-to-Play - if you dribble up the entire court, you will need to pass the ball to a shooter because
it is not fun/normal/acceptable to both dribble the entire court AND end up being the same person to shoot the ball.
Rule #2 for players-is about getting frustrated
Scenario: A player on your
team takes a terrible shot; your response:
we ask you to try not to drop your head and get frustrated-
because that leads to 'not getting back on defense' (and
that- will make the game worse)- so we ask that you hustle
back on a bad shot and at least you will get a workout
(running hard- getting a cardio- is why we are here). What
we try to do as a league : 1) our lead referee is the team
captain who will make an effort to help 'coach' in these
scenarios. 2) our referees will text in problem players to
us- so we will be on this situation, your role is to maybe
say nothing or limit yourself to saying one thing to the
player or lead referee but move on to 'getting your cardio'.
This type of player usually stops playing like this
naturally or within a short time and if not, we will figure
it out. 3) You can always text us after the game as well so
we are aware of the situation. If we hear the same thing
about the same player, we will usually talk to them, its
usually an easy fix (see our rule about how players can
dribble a lot... or shoot a lot but players in PicktoPlay
are not allowed to do both, strangely enough, that rule when
communicated, cleans up most irritating play.
Why should you play 'Pick to Play'?
If you are by yourself - and/or if its just you and a buddy,
you can sign up and play - same day- even tonight!
What is the quality of the
Pick-to-Play games?
The actual basketball court, uniforms and the playing time are all A plus.
80% of games go great, 20% go average (you will at least get
a solid cardio and a full body workout- that is your worse
case if you hustle up and down the court). If you had your
own team the % of good games often is more like 90% so
Pick-to-Play is not as good as having your own official team
but - its pretty close. Most players choose Pick-to-Play
because their commitment is 1-game at a time and they can
play any day- 360 days per year; players can grab a buddy
and play, play alone- some players grab 2-3-4 players and
over time meet new players, try out new friends/players as
they 'use' Pick-to-Play to build a real team. Use
Pick-to-Play however you need Pick-to-Play. Think of it as
'on-demand' basketball games for individuals.